I really thought the Extreme SEAL Experience was the best course around and it really helped me to decide if I would want to be a SEAL or not. I thought the combat survival course was the most interesting part because I learned how SEALs survive out in the wild and I learned that funny things can happen. The thing that made the course best is because all the Instructors are Navy SEALs either retired or active and they were very helpful and willing to answer any questions a young aspiring SEAL is curios about. Getting to shoot weapons was awesome and I really liked how they took it up a notch and had a Point Man Course. There is only one word I could describe the chow, amazing! Dont change a thing. In the end after participating in the course I would still want to be a SEAL. Pat Croteau. Advanced Training
I would say that the full course was awesome and a great experience for anyone whether they are pursuing SEAL Team or not. Land navigation was very informative and pretty easy to learn due to the Instructors. Night patrol was not only fun but helped build team work. Survival course was great in a dirty sort of way. So if you like the outdoors youll love it. Hell Night was a pretty good kick in the ass!!! It not only forced team work on us but gave everyone a taste of BUD/S. Shooting course was great. I really enjoyed getting to shoot the various weapons and with Rick and our Instructor I was able to gain knowledge about each gun I was shooting. As far as the food and sleeping accommodations all were great and I wouldnt change a thing. The jump was badass no doubt about it. James Petske. Advanced Training